Help with the Ukraine Solidarity Fund.
In a message to Knights around the world, the Supreme Knight encouraged the organization’s more than 2 million members to respond with continued prayers and material support.
“The situation in Ukraine is dire and worsening. The people of Ukraine and our brother Knights in that nation need our help.”
–Supreme Knight Patrick Kelly.
Almost immediately, the relief funding was used to provide shelter, food, medical supplies, clothing and religious goods, as well as other humanitarian needs as identified, both directly in Ukraine and through refugee sites in Poland. The Knights quickly formed a working alliance with Latin and Greek Catholic Churches in Ukraine, with dioceses and K of C councils in Poland, and with international humanitarian aid agencies to address needs quickly and effectively. We continue to reshape our response, giving consideration to assist widows and orphans of brother Knights killed as a result of military action, and for assistance in resettlement and rebuilding for communities displaced by conflict and war.
In a video message to the more than 1,800 Knights of Columbus in Ukraine, Supreme Knight Kelly said, “In this time of intense danger, know that your brother Knights of Columbus around the world are praying for you, your families and all the people of Ukraine. We ask that our Lord protect you and your loved ones and restore peace in your land. We ask that he give you strength and courage to persevere.”
The Supreme Knight’s entire video message can be viewed here:
Council#81 has set up a portal where you can donate right now online:
or use this QR Code with your smartphone: |
Your gift today will provide temporary shelter, food, medical supplies, clothing, communications and religious supplies. These items will all be immediately distributed, and 100% of your gift will go directly to these displaced people.
Please prayerfully consider how you can contribute to this effort. Your gift of any amount will go a long way in helping our brothers and sisters. Together, we can bring Christ’s healing love to a wounded world.