Trivia Night at I.C. School

Trivia Night is Saturday, Feb. 8 at 6:30 p.m. at Meehan Hall.
There’s a buffet of hors d’oeuvres and a beer and wine bar.
All those interested, please use the sign-up sheet here, or email the webmaster:
Last year we fielded a pretty good team and came in second.
Did I mention, there’s beer?
We should have at least 8 to 10 members on the team. If we have more, we will field two tables.
And we can always use some female members too (it helps with those esoteric questions, like “what does ‘esoteric’ mean”), so it’s a cheap date night for some of you! Bring the wives and adult daughters. And sisters, if they’re smart. Last year Phil Cosby’s sister helped us out in that department and turned out to be much smarter than Phil.
And don’t forget, there’s beer.
Questions: Email Council #81’s Program Coordinator Phil Cosby