Tootsie Roll Drive
Columbus Day Weekend, Knights all over the country will be outside stores and churches in our familiar yellow vests and tin cans handing out Tootsie Rolls and collecting donations.
However, many people do not know the real purpose behind this effort: to raise funds for people with intellectual disabilities.
In Massachusetts, we turn the funds over to the State Council at the annual Charity Ball later this month, and the State Council in turn funds a dozen agencies across the state from Cape Cod to the Berkshires that provide regular services to families with developmentally disabled members. Things like day care, respite care, outings and activities, and sporting events. We are proud that Special Olympics of Massachusetts, headquartered right here in Marlborough, is a beneficiary of a large share of those funds.
Please help out this weekend. Wear your yellow vest proudly and remind people of the solid purpose behind it.
Slots are available for after all Masses at I.C., St. Mathias and St. Michael’s.
Sign up here for one of the “shifts” we have created.