State Hospital Adolescent Psych Ward Christmas Party
Each year Council #81 partners up with our brothers from Council #85 in Westboro and Council #5724 in Northboro to make Christmas a little brighter for kids who are in-patients at the State Hospital in Worcester. We shop for gifts as recommended by the staff, and present them at a Christmas Party we orchestrate on the ward, along with some refreshments and sing alongs.
This year, the event will be on December 8th at 12:30 p.m. It usually lasts about 2 hours.
The hospital is located at 390 Belmont Street, Worcester.
If you were CORI’d for the summer cookout, it’s still valid. If you haven’t been CORI’d in a year, please email Rich Kearns for the form.
If you can help out this year, please use the sign-up sheet.