Special Funeral this Saturday
On February 15, 1944 a B-25 Mitchell Bomber based in China crashed after taking enemy fire over Thanh Hoa Province in French Indochina (now southern Vietnam). All six crewmen were killed, but the body of Marlboro resident, Tech. Sgt. Alfred Sandini was never identified. Last year, after 75 years, the POW/MIA Accounting Agency announced a positive match had been made using DNA analysis to his 94 year old younger brother John in Florida. His remains have been returned to Marlboro this week.
Alfred was from a big Italian family in Marlboro, and three of his four brothers fought in WWII. I personally knew his brother Louis well, who fought in the Army in Europe and wrote a book about his experience, and later became a lawyer in Marlboro for many years thereafter.
Sgt. Sandini will be finally laid to rest in the Immaculate Conception Cemetery after a funeral Mass at the I.C. lower church on Saturday morning, July 20th at 11:00 a.m.
Obviously, this will be a momentous funeral for our Parish and our City. Alfred was only 22, and we haven’t determined whether he was a Knight, but we do know that some of his brothers and family members were.
Fr. Steven Clemence, pastor at I.C., has specially reached out to the Knights to make a showing to honor Sgt. Sandini. After 75 years, his real brothers cannot be there, but we can.
If you have some time on Saturday morning, please let me know and report to the I.C. Church at 10:30 a.m. We will form a receiving line in the right-hand driveway to line the walkway to the doors, probably with American Legion and VFW personnel on the opposite side. If you are a 4th degree knight and have the new uniform, please wear it. Otherwise, a dark suit and your pocket name badge. If you can also attend the graveside, we will stand in formation, but will have to stand clear of military units.
Because of the consternation over the retirement of KofC Regalia, we are having trouble finding any Color Corps members to stand as honor guards. We have only two so far, which is sad. Thus, it is really important at this critical time that our rank and file members turn out to honor our unique and special parishioner, a true Catholic hero.
Please let me know if you can attend. Just email grandknight@kofcmarlboro.org.
Mike Tremblay
Grand Knight