Council #81’s Past Grand Knight Mike Gibson Elected to State Board of Officers
On May 22, 2022 at the three-day State Convention at Hyannis, Council #81’s own Mike Gibson was elected to the office of State Warden.

Robin, Bethany and Mike greet voters on election day.

Grand Knight Mike Tremblay stumps for Mike Gibson outside the polls on election day.

Mike Gibson addresses the Sate Convention with spouse Robin moments after being elected State Warden.

Mike and Robin listen to Deputy Supreme Knight Paul O’Sullivan’s address to the State Convention

Robin and Mike look on during speeches with Deputy Supreme Knight Paul O’Sullivan and his wife Susan.

Mrs. Grand Knight Kathy helps set up the Gibson Bar in the Hospitality Suite where campaigners plied voting delegates with the signature beverage, the Gibson Martini (among others!)

The Grand Knight mixes another “Gibson Martini” for voting delegates (known by their navy credential lanyard). Amazing what you can learn in two nights of online bartending course.

Newly Elected State Deputy Tom Butler is escorted into the State Convention by the Honor Guard

Robin and Mike take a rest between speakers.

The Hyannis Resort and Conference Center outdid itself with custom made K of C Cookies