Mission Accomplished!
Karen and Mary Ann are nicely settled into their new home with their full-time caregivers, Eron and Milly. As we were finishing the unpacking and setting up, Milly was making dinner and had Karen and Mary Ann helping out making meatballs.
It was an incredible sight to see as they immediately began bonding, building rapport, and feeling at home. It was also a strong indication that we have found the right solution to their long-term care and support.
Special thanks to all our members, a couple of squires, and others who pitched in to pack and turned out in the rain to move them.
Box crew:
Paul Tynan
Mike Fallon
Kathy OhEigeartaigh
Packing crew:
Robin and Bethany Gibson
Mike and Susan Bleeker
Mary Kish
Nancy Cleary
Paul Tynan
Steve Thomas
Rich Kearns’ Pickup
Bill Fettig
Matt Fettig
Rob Pierce
Ben Pierce
Mike Bleeker
Mike Wells
Jack LaPre’
Kathy OhEigeartaigh
Mike Tremblay