Memorial Day Outdoor Mass at St. Michael’s Cemetery
Today, a long-standing tradition of St. Michael Parish was revived after four years of dormancy. By custom, on Memorial Day, the priests at St. Michael’s celebrate an outdoor Mass at the parish cemetery on Cox Street. It was suspended during the Covid-19 pandemic, and cancelled last year due to inclement weather. But today, the weather cooperated for a joyous celebration.

This outdoor Altar was provided by Council #131 and is used for the annual outdoor Memorial Day Mass.

Council #131 lives on, having been merged with Council #81 in 2022, and we were proud to help carry on their tradition today.

Fr. Ren Tocci celebrates Mass with a visiting priest from Ireland here for the summer.

No slouching with this parish – even the outdoor Mass has music and a full choir.

The crowd was large, and many veteran attendees didn’t mind setting up their lawn chairs behind the altar because they knew where the best shade was.

Knights Kevin Armstrong (l) and Brendan Butler (r) helped set up and serve refreshments after the Mass. They got a little help from young squire Louie Armstrong.

Grand Knight Mike Tremblay and Brendan Butler were on Bagel duty.