Monday, September 6th will mark the 69th annual Labor Day Parade in Marlborough.
Council #81 will march again! And by “march” we mean “stroll.” The Parade route is 1.7 miles long. Piece of cake!
Here are the details:
Uniform: | Dress is white KofC Polo shirts, khaki shorts or pants, and KofC baseball cap. If you don’t have a white polo, a navy one will do. |
Assembly time: | You should be in the assembly area no later than 11:30 a.m. |
Assembly location: | Our assigned assembly area is on Pleasant Street on the block between Chestnut and Elm (i.e., between the Honey Farms and the Fire Station). You can dial in “126 Pleasant Street” into your GPS. You can probably get dropped off around Pleasant and Elm and have a short walk up — but do not expect to find a parking space anywhere nearby. We should be forming up right next to the Immaculate Conception Parish float. |
Step off time: | The Parade steps off at 12:00 noon from the intersection of Lincoln and Pleasant Streets. |
Vehicles: | Mike Gibson will drive one vehicle with water bottles and snacks. We have a pass for a second vehicle if anybody wants to drive. |
Sign up here: | If you will stroll with us, please click here and sign up so we will have an approximate head count. First person to grab the “I’ll Drive” slot can drive. Get your vehicle pass from Mike Gibson before Monday morning. And a car wash! |
Two ways to get there: | (1) Get dropped off or park near the American Legion Building at 90 Maple Street and take a shuttle to the starting line. Shuttles run from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30; or |
(2) Get dropped off near French Hill and walk to the Parade Assembly Area around Lincoln and Pleasant Streets. Official-looking Parade Marshals with clipboards can point you to our specific assembly location. | |
Rain Date: | Are you joking? This is Marlborough! It’s a rain or shine event! |
More Info: | You can download the official Parade Instruction Form by clicking here, or you can view it below: 2021 Marlborough Labor Day Parade Instructions 08282021 |