Grand Knight’s Blog – November 2019
Next Meeting
November Meeting – Tuesday, November 12, 2019 at 7:30, St. Mary’s Chapel (lower church) at Immaculate Conception. Doors open at 7:00.
Activities since last meeting
Tootsie Roll Drive – October 11-13. We exceeded our expectations and raised about $2,575. We had only anticipated raising in the $1,500 – $1,700 range, and had budgeted to deliver $2,000 to the State Charity Ball, making up the difference with Council funds. Instead, we delivered a check for $2,500 with no Council funds at all. We reserved a small war chest to fund the purchase of Tootsie Rolls next year. We missed making the Top Ten list of Councils by about $600. Next year, I think that is easily within reach. Thanks to all who staffed a post in the rain on Friday: Mike Cahill, Rafael Johnson and Andy Tivnan at the Post Office; Dale Dolesh, Andy Tivnan at St. Mary’s Credit Union; and on a dreary Saturday: Rich Kearns, Neil Cronin and Bill Fettig; and all those who helped out at our churches on Sunday: Tim Gruttner, Mike Wells and Chris Lundberg at St. Mike’s; Mike Fallon, Paul Cote, Bill Fettig and Andy Tivnan at St. Matthias; and John Dedecko, Neil Cronin, Tom Hirsh, Mike Gibson (and Robin!), Rich Kearns, Mike Cahill, Scott Snyder and Rafael Johnson at I.C.
When I delivered our check to the State Charity Ball on October 19th, I got to sit with the Grand Knight from Chelmsford who won top place with over $11,000 in funds raised. I bought him a few drinks and learned a few tips and tricks we can apply next year. Essentially what drives their success is a spirited competition between the parishes they serve in three towns: Chelmsford, Littleton and Westford.
Trunk or Treat – October 15th Mike Gibson and Mike Tremblay set up and staffed a “trunk” for three hours at the R & D Campus on the West Coast of Marlborough. This event was sponsored by the Junior Women’s Club, and we were glad to help out providing a safe environment for kids to enjoy Trick or Treating with a little fun and entertainment. We did learn, however, that this event is geared toward little children and the Grand Knight wearing a hockey mask was not such a good idea.
I.C. School Harvest Festival – October 26th. The First Annual Harvest Festival hosted by the I.C. School Parent’s Association was a big success. There were horse-drawn hayrides up and down Washington Street, games, music, contests, etc. Mike Cahill and Mike Tremblay grilled burgers and hotdogs for six hours, and Philip Cosby staffed the game competitions.
I.C. Vigil – November 11th. Council #81 sponsored an hour during the 24-hour vigil on Veteran’s Day. Thanks to Mike Cahill, Mike Fallon, Mike Wells, Mike Tremblay (five Mike’s) and Armando Balthazar for helping out. The intention of our assigned hour was Active Duty Military and Veterans.
Program Update
Essay Contest under way. All of our materials have arrived from Supreme and have been distributed and delivered to I.C., St. Matthias and St. Mike’s. St. Mike’s is experiencing some trouble with losing their Religious Education director and the program has been stalled for a few weeks. They may not be able to participate this year, but Fr. Ren wants to be a part of it next year.
Free Throw Challenge. All of our materials have arrived from Supreme and have are in the care of Neil Cronin who is planning out the program for early next year. When the time comes, we will need bodies to staff sign-in tables, snacks, set up equipment, judge and coach, etc.
Coats for Kids. Report from Dale.
Literature Kiosk. Do we have any volunteers to take on this program? It involves stocking a small display of booklets and literature in the church. Fr. Steven has expressed an interest. All the materials can be obtained from Supreme for relatively cheap money, and thereafter it would involve an hour a month just restocking and reshelving, and perhaps obtaining some other-sourced material from reliable publishers (which would have to be vetted through the pastor).
Upcoming Events
Adolescent Psych Ward Christmas Party – December 7th at 1:00 p.m. Rich Kearns is coordinating this event. There is a sign-up sheet posted on the website. If you haven’t experienced what great value there is to spending a few hours with some kids during an unfortunate time in their lives, I promise you a couple of hours will benefit you as much as them. These kids have no health insurance, and few have family members who care enough to visit – let alone buy them Christmas presents. They are locked up because of some severe disturbance and don’t have the support or care from friends or families as we would all provide to our own kids. Rich will get a shopping list in the next few weeks, and could probably use some help shopping. It’s not too tough – the staff steers them toward gift cards, and easy things to buy, but it does require a few hours. Email Rich to volunteer for the shopping excursion –
Everyone must be CORI’d again. Forms will be available at the meeting, and a Notary will be available – one stop shopping. If you can’t make the meeting, forms will be available at the Grand Knight’s office all next week, also with a Notary available.
State Raffle Tickets will be available at the December Meeting. DD Joe Meehan will bring them.
Special Olympics – Rich Pulice is coordinating with SOMA and will be reaching out to members for some manpower at one of their upcoming events.
Remember: the Council Event Calendar is always available on the website, and if you use Google Calendar, you can pipe it right into your regular calendar and have it display on your desktop or phone!
Prayers and Intentions
Armando Balthazar’s eldest daughter Maria Fatima suffered a brain tumor and had two surgeries in the last month, one in Worcester and one at Boston Medical Center. The ordeal has left her partially paralyzed on the left side and she is presently in rehab but recovering much of her lost mobility.
Our 4th Degree Assembly lost an important member last month, Jim Laren of Millville. That little pocket on the Rhode Island border is a very vibrant source of KofC activity, and Jim was a very big part of it. Mike Gibson and Mike Tremblay stood in the honor guard at his wake in Woonsocket, RI and Mike Gibson attended the funeral, celebrated by Fr. Tim O’Meara, the McSweeney Assembly Friar.
Deacon Doug Peltak’s wife, Jean, died and her funeral was on October 26th.
Prayers of thanksgiving for Mike Fallon’s successful eye surgery; and John Dedecko’s hip surgery.
Other News / Final Word
Social Event? We have received some requests for a social event once in a while, perhaps building up to some form of permanent events 2-3 or more times a year.
One suggestion was for a pre-Christmas party, before the main hustle and bustle starts, perhaps just gathering in the back room at Welly’s or the upstairs at Wildwood, and eating off the menu with the wives and families.
We can discuss at the meeting.
If you have any news to report, email
Vivat Jesus
-Mike Tremblay , Grand Knight