Grand Knight’s Message
Grand Knight’s Report: April 10, 2018
“The method that speaks strongest of Christ is love. As Knights, we should be prepared to let charity be our measure of the new evangelization. In this way, we can truly promote a charity that evangelizes”, Carl Andersen, Supreme Knight.
Greetings Brother Knights,
After a wonderful Easter Celebration, we all should be very excited about Council’s 81 future outlook for the remainder of our fraternal year. Our achievements are many and we have lots to be thankful for.
Here is my report monthly report:
• My apologies, for not being present as I am on business travel.
• I want to thank all of you for your thoughts and prayers during a very frightening time last month. My wife, Rose and her mother were in a serious car accident last month, her car was totaled. They were hit by another female driver coming out of her driveway. My wife suffered serious back and arm pain due to bracing herself in anticipation of the impact. My mother in law suffered bruised lungs from the impact of the seat belt which was effective by constraining her from further injury. Both are doing well and recovering. Thank you.
• Council 81 is growing, we have two new candidates that want to become member of our fraternal order. Anthony Monti and Denis Mauro, both practicing catholic men in good standing with our community. I hope that we vote them in as new members.
o This is an opportunity for Council 81 to host our first degree ceremony if none exist in May? Will check with membership director, Rich.
• I want to inform the council that I will ask Fr. Gregory to become Council 81’s Chaplin effective immediately.
o Fr. Gregory has expressed interest
• GK will request Mass for 136 KofC anniversary. Request all Council 81 members attend, use this a recruiting Mass as well. Date TBD.
o Coffee and Donut after Mass
• Propose we host a Dinner for deceased Knights Council 81 members in May
o Marriott Hotel Marlboro
o All Council Members invited to attend with family
o Invite/chaperon: Barbara Harrington, Madeline Dupuis – no charge
o Any volunteers please reach out to Rafael.
• Star Council initiative: Worthy Chancellor and GK completed required training in Feb which goes toward Star Council. In addition:
o Membership Quota = 6 Need 1 more ( not including Jeff Raymond)
Target candidates: Kevin McPherson, IC Lector, does anyone know him? Good Candidate
o Insurance Quota = 3 Need 1 more
Who does not currently have insurance and would like an appointment?
o Five + Charitable events toward Star Council
Worcester State Hospital,
Assisted veteran, Imagine project (another pending)
Service projects (2) – Helped Widow to move, and Nancy Martin
Tootsie Roll Drive
Labor Day Parade Participation
Christina Stapleton ramp project
• Memorial Day Parade Committee:
o Mike Gibson, Steve Thomas, others?
• New officer selection committee: Mike Wells, Rich Kearns, Steve Thomas.
o Send notices in mail in May, selections in June.
Rafael Johnson
Grand Knight