Grand Knight’s Blog – September 2024
September, 2024
Next Meeting
Date: Tuesday, September 10, 2024
Time: 7:30 p.m. . . . . . . . . doors open at 7:00
Place: St. Matthias Parish Hall
Activities and News Since Last Meeting
· Labor Day Parade
The Labor Day Parade was a success. Thanks to Mike Gibson for organizing. We were joined by our former DD from Framingham, Joe Meehan.
· Our Father’s Table
Mike and Robin Gibson lead the effort in May and Council #81 had an excellent showing serving food to homeless and needy Marlboro residents. The program ran smoothly, wasn’t a big investment of time as the effort was properly divvied up. We expect this to become a regular program for us going forward, probably every six weeks or so. Contact Mike Gibson if you want to participate.
Programs and Upcoming Events
· Fr. Giombetti Installation
September 19th Bishop Reed will install Fr. Giombetti as Pastor of St. Michael’s, and Confirmation will be at the same Mass.
· Coats for Kids
Mike Wells is spearheading the Coats for Kids campaign and will have news and information for this program, which comes up quick in October.
Let Mike know if you hear of any organizations or individuals with a need this year. We will partner again with the Boy’s and Girl’s Clubs, St. Vincent DePaul, etc. Contact Mike Wells if you can help out with the distribution in late October or November.
· St. Michael’s Picnic
After many meetings, the St. Michael’s annual picnic went through several iterations, such as a “Street Fair,” but will emerge this year as the “Autumn Block Party” on October 6th at 3:00 p.m. Rain date October 20th. It will be on the grounds of the parish, in the parking lots, and perhaps spill over a bit onto the side streets. Three of our Knights were on the planning committee. A lot went into this, they have obtained permits and licenses from Police, Fire, DPW, arranged port-a-potties, etc. There will be burgers, food, popcorn, snacks, drinks, lots of events. Each ministry within the parish is sponsoring a booth or event. We have been asked to help out with traffic, on-site communications and on-site organization, etc. We could sponsor a booth if we have sufficient manpower. If you are interested in helping organize or work on the day-of, contact G.K. Brendan Butler or F.S. Rich Caissie. This has the potential to become a sustaining annual event.
· Blue Mass
The Blue Mass is a Mass organized for Police, Firefighters and EMS personnel in our community. Each year, hundreds of KofC Councils across the country sponsor this Mass to honor the local first responders in our communities. Thanks to the leadership of Deacon Chuck Rossignol, this event is on for September 15th at the 10 a.m. Mass.
The Police, Fire and Patriot Ambulance troops are all in line. We are looking for as many 4th Degree Knights to help “usher” in the 4th Degree uniforms and possibly escort dignitaries down the aisle. Contact Deacon Chuck if you can help out.
· Tootsie Roll Drive
Columbus Day weekend is the Tootsie Roll drive. This year that will be October 12-13. This will be just shortly after our next meeting, so please stay tuned to your email for details, sign-up-sheet, etc.
· Poster Contest / Essay Contest
The Poster Contest (for younger kids) and Essay Contests are coming up in December. Mike Wells is helping organize. Let him know if you wish to participate. We need help distributing materials to the three parishes, judging, awarding prizes, etc. No heavy lifting involved.
Other News and Meeting Agenda Items
· 12 months of free membership
Tell any of your friends or neighbors interested in joining, use the QR code below to join online and use the promo code “BlessedMcGivney” for 12 months of free membership.
· Prayers / Intentions:
Please keep John Harrold and his family in your prayers, as well as Craig Fallon and Claire Fallon.
· Other business?
If you have an item to add to the next meeting agenda, please let the Grand Knight know.
If you have any news to report, email
See you all tonight.
Vivat Jesus.
Brendan Butler
Grand Knight