Grand Knight’s Blog – September 2021
Next Meeting
Date: Tuesday, September 14, 2021
Time: 7:30 p.m.
Place: I.C. Lower Church
Method: Hybrid – you can come in person or log on with Zoom
We are back live and in person!
We will also broadcast live on Zoom from the lower church! I have all the equipment set up and tested, and we are just waiting for the wifi password from the parish.
Log in with this link:
A password is required on all Zoom meetings now, and the password is: kc81
Or dial in: 312-626-6799
Meeting ID: 894 9747 5792
Passcode: kc81
But better yet, come in person!
Activities and News Since Last Meeting
- Labor Day Parade.Council #81 stepped out on Labor Day.
Thanks to Mike Gibson for coordinating with the City and all the guys who turned out. It was a beautiful day, we got a little exercise and generated some public awareness of our mission and good will.It was nice to be back in action!
- Labor Day Parade.Council #81 stepped out on Labor Day.
Programs and Upcoming Events
- Tootsie Roll Drive
Traditionally on Columbus Day weekend (Oct. 9-11). I am awaiting word from our three pastors on whether they like the idea or whether it is still premature. If we get the go-ahead, I will be looking to have a show of hands at the meeting for those who will participate. I fully understand that we are not out of the woods with this Covid thing, so any reluctance to mingle with the public is okay. I’m especially open to suggestions about how much participation we can mount at other venues. Fr. Ren has already given us the go-ahead at St. Mike’s. - State Charity Ball.
The state charity ball is October 23 at the Doubletree in Leominster. Mike Gibson is the program director and Emcee. If anyone is interested in attending, let me know. Capacity is limited to 200 this year. - McSweeney Assembly Meeting.
The McSweeney Assembly meeting is this Thursday, Sept. 16th at 7:00 p.m. in Westboro. This week is Council #81’s turn to host, but since we already hired a caterer, all it means is we need a few guys to serve the food and bus the dirty dishes back to the kitchen. Mike Gibson will be away, and I have a parish meeting at I.C., so any 4th degree knights available please let me know. - Catholic Essay Contest.
We need three people to interface with the religious education directors at St. Michael’s, St. Matthias and I.C. Please let me know if you can help. This was a really good event in 2019 with good participation at St. Mike’s. With a little effort, we can build on that success and make this a recurring event. It was meaningful for the religious ed kids to have a little diversion from the text books and flex their brains on an assigned topic. - The state office has asked us to forge ahead with the Roundtable formation and I am in the process of completing the paperwork. Now we need Roundtable leaders: one each for:
Portuguese/Brazilian community
Spanish Community
St. Matthias
St. Mike’s
Any volunteers? - Free Throw Challenge
We had an outstanding start to this program in early 2020, but have been tanked by the pandemic. It was a terrible shame since we had good exposure and generated lots of good will with kids and families all over the area. Neil Cronin has volunteered to lead the way to getting this fantastic program back on its feet.
Other Meeting Agenda Items
Prayers / Intentions:
- Carole Avey.
Our deceased brother Cliff Avey’s sister, Carole, remains in hospice. Please keep her in your prayers. - Richard Uber.
Richard had a fall and struck his head around the first week of August, resulting in a subdural hematoma (bleeding in his brain). He was in the Neurological ICU at UMass Memorial and had surgery to relieve the pressure on August 16th. The surgery went well, he left the ICU and was sent to rehab for physical therapy and occupational therapy. Today I got this update from his wife Gloria: “Thank you so much for all the prayers. They certainly have helped, because Richard is doing amazingly well for all he went through! He came home last Wednesday after nearly a month in hospitals. He has been out with me for walks at Ghiloni Park, and felt up to coming to Mass on Sunday. He’s getting stronger and will no longer require o.t./p.t. here at home. God is good. He has supported us through this. Thank you for your concern!” - New Brother. Welcome to our newest brother knight Johnpaul Agaba “JP”. JP is from Uganda and lives in Lowell, and joined Council #81 through his interaction with DD Rich Pulice and his work with the Home of Divine Mercy Institute.
- Other business? If you have an item to add to the agenda, please let me know.
- News? If you have any news to report, email
See you all tonight.
Vivat Jesus.
Mike Tremblay, Grand Knight