Grand Knight’s Blog, September 2020
Grand Knight’s Blog – September 2020
Next Meeting
Our next meeting is Tuesday, September 8, 2020 at 7:30 p.m.
The meeting will take place by Zoom video-conference.
The meeting id is 894 9747 5792 and the clickable link is:
Agenda, Programs and Upcoming Events
- Installation of Officers. Our new DD (District Deputy) Rich Pulice will be on hand to install our officers.
- Tootsie Roll Drive. The Tootsie Roll drive, which customarily was held over Columbus Day Weekend in October, has been cancelled this year. Nevertheless, our commitment to raise funds for Intellectually Disabled people continues. Mike Gibson has volunteered to speak at Masses and we will ask for a few volunteers to collect on the way out. I have a couple cases of Tootsie Rolls left over from last year we can use. Stay tuned for more details.
- Financial Secretary. After three years of outstanding service, Mike Wells has decided to pass the torch, and we are soliciting a volunteer to take on the very important job of Financial Secretary. Essentially the Financial Secretary keeps the roster up to date; keeps our records at Supreme up to date; maintains our long-term investment bank accounts, supervises the Treasurer by co-signing vouchers for payments, and prepares an annual report of financial status for audit by the Trustees. We have several former Financial Secretaries willing to help and train, and Supreme has lots of resources. Please let me know if you can step up.
- Vigil at I.C. Fr. Steven at I.C. held a 48-hour vigil seeking intercession for peace during these uncertain and cataclysmic times. Thanks to our Knights and their families who participated.
- New Ideas Needed! In these odd times, our mission is substantially stymied. We need to put on our thinking caps and come up with some meaningful things we can do to help our fellow citizens within the framework of social distancing and safe environment. Give this some thought and we will open the floor to discussion if you have any ideas. Supreme reports that over 2,500 new members have taken their first degree exemplification during the pandemic by virtual conferencing. There are ways we can get back to work, we just need to brainstorm some ideas.
- Faithful Navigator. Congratulations to Mike Gibson who will be installed on September 17th as Faithful Navigator of the McSweeney Assembly of Fourth Degree Knights. It would be wonderful if all the 4th Degree Knights from Council #81 can be on hand to show our support. The Zoom link is:
If you have any news to report, or requests for the agenda, email
Vivat Jesus.
Mike Tremblay, GK