Grand Knight’s Blog November, 2022
Next Meeting
Date: Tuesday, November 8, 2022
Time: 7:30 p.m. . . . . . . . . doors open at 7:00
Place: St. Matthias Parish Hall
Activities and News Since Last Meeting
· State Charity Ball
Ten members of Council #81 attended the State Charity Ball in Milford on October 29th, including your faithful Grand Knight and spouse Kathy, State Advocate Mike Gibson and Robin, District Deputy Rich Pulice and Maureen, Financial Secretary Mike Wells and Nancy, and Scott Snyder and Barbara. Scott and Barbara filled in for Brendan and Krista Butler who came down with Covid. We handed in a check to State Deputy Tom Butler for $3,000 from the Tootsie Roll sales and funds raised for people with intellectual disabilities. Good effort, Council #81. I haven’t seen the stats yet, but I am optimistic we are in the running for a top ten spot. Thank you for all your help.
· One-Day Men’s Retreat
The One-Day retreat took place on Saturday Nov. 5th at Sacred Heart Parish in Milford. We had good attendance from Council #81, including Rich Pulice, Mike Tremblay and some potential new members who came with Paul Tynan. Fr. Chris DeGiovinne focused on the question “What is the ‘this’ in ‘Do this in remembrance of me?’” It illuminated some probing questions, provoked a spirited debate and resulted in an overall very thoughtful and productive experience. Thanks to our DD Rich Pulice for spearheading this initiative and John Ciesla GK of Council #80 for arranging all the logistics, including a nice lunch.
Out of curiosity, when I saw Council #80’s charter on the wall, I did some comparison with ours, and they were formed exactly six days before Council #81. I think there’s an opening there for future collaboration among Councils for events such as this.
· Coats for Kids
Five cases of Coats for Kids have been delivered and most of them have already been distributed by FS Mike Wells and Dale Dolesh
· St. Michael Parish Picnic
On October 16th we helped out at St. Michael’s Parish Cookout at the Elk’s picnic grounds in Hudson.
The turnout was exceptional, and the weather was excellent, all of which made for an enjoyable outing. We helped schlepp 200 chairs from the parish hall to the picnic grounds, set them up, and then donned yellow vests and red flags and got everybody efficiently parked . . . with no collisions or fatalities. Then we helped take it all apart and move it back.
Thanks to Mike Wells, Tim Gruttner, Deacon Chuck Rossignol, Kevin Armstrong, Chris Lundberg, and Devlin Madden for helping out. This is an important, long-standing event for the people of St. Michael’s, and we were honored to have been asked to help out.
Programs and Upcoming Events
· Mass for Departed Knights and Social Dinner
Mark your calendars for Saturday, November 19th. Mass will be at 4:00 p.m. at St. Matthias, and dinner will be in the parish hall downstairs immediately thereafter.
Thanks to Dale Dolesh for spearheading this event, and Fr. Fran O’Brien for his cooperation and hospitality.
We will not specifically mention our departed Knights at the Mass since it coincides with some other parish intentions, but we will honor them at the Dinner.
As Dale correctly observed, it’s been way too long since we have socialized and had some ordinary conversation and interaction.
We have contracted with Buffet Way Catering for a nice meal, and you may recall from Mike Gibson’s campaign event, they put on a spectacular meal.
Make sure your spouses and significant others are aware.
There is a sign up sheet on the website, please RSVP there so we have an accurate head count for the caterer:
Heather Short will be there with one of her sons, and I’m working on locating the families of other recently departed knights.
Other Meeting Agenda Items
· Upcoming 2023 Programs
We still have a robust schedule of programs coming up:
- Coats for Kids
- Free Throw Championship
- Keeping Christ in Christmas Poster Contest
- Young Catholic Citizens’ Essay Contest
- Superbowl Pool
We have a team leader for each event, but we will be looking for guys to volunteer to help out.
Also, keep you mind open to new program opportunities in the coming months. If you have something to suggest, let us know. Everybody has a life outside this organization, so let us know if there are needs going on in your parish, schools, neighborhoods, nursing homes, etc., where we could fill a gap.
· Prayers / Intentions:
Mike Gibson’s Dad is hanging on in hospice in California.
Please keep Craig Fallon, Mike Fallon’s son, in your prayers.
Andy Tivnan is still doing well with his new heart.
Please also keep your Grand Knight’s mother, Phyllis, in your prayers. We had a nice 98th birthday party for her yesterday, but the time has come to face up that she is no longer a candidate for Assisted Living and will be transferring to a nursing home in the next week or two. Nevertheless, she’s intent on seeing 100 and might well do it.
· 12 months of free membership
Tell any of your friends or neighbors interested in joining, use the QR code below to join online and use the promo code “BlessedMcGivney” for 12 months of free membership.
· Other business?
If you have an item to add to the next meeting agenda, please let me know.
· News?
If you have any news to report, email
See you all Tuesday night. Remember to vote early and vote often.
Vivat Jesus.
Mike Tremblay
Grand Knight