Grand Knight’s Blog
March 2021
Next Meeting
Date: Tuesday, March 9, 2021
Time: 7:30 p.m.
Place: Zoom Video Conference.
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Passcode: kc81
Activities and News Since Last Meeting
- Sad News.
Tim O’Mara, the Friar of the McSweeney Assembly of Fourth Degree Knights died unexpectedly on March 3rd. Fr. Tim was married and had a family before being ordained a permanent Deacon. After his wife passed away, he was ordained a priest. He was a vibrant asset to the McSweeney Assembly, keeping us inspired by his prayerful outlook, but also was a genuine human being riding his motorcycle with a leather club jacket with the K of C Emblem on the back and the logo “Knights on Bikes.”
Father Tim’s wake will be in St. Paul’s Church, 48 St. Paul Street, Blackstone on Thursday, March 11th from 4:00 to 7:00 PM followed by a prayer vigil concluding at 7:30 PM. The McSweeney Assembly will be providing an honor guard. Father O’Mara’s funeral will also take place at St. Paul’s church on Friday, March 12th at 11:00 AM with Bishop McManus presiding. - Changing of the Guard.
By now, you have probably heard that our Supreme Knight Carl Anderson reached mandatory retirement age at the end of February. Patrick E. Kelly has been elected the 14th Supreme Knight by the Supreme Council and took office on March 1st. Kelly was Deputy Supreme Knight since 2017, and served as a Judge Advocate in the U.S. Navy for 24 years. What you might not have heard is that our own Paul G. O’Sullivan, former state Deputy of Massachusetts (2016-2018) from Foxboro has been named Deputy Supreme Knight. Congratulations, Paul! - Carl Anderson’s Book.
To celebrate his 20-year tenure as Supreme Knight, Carl Anderson has written a book called These Liberties We Hold Sacred which is essential reading for Knights who cherish religious liberty. You can order a copy here:
Programs and Upcoming Events
- Super Bowl Pool.
The Super Bowl Square Pool was a big success, selling out one $10 pool and one $25 pool. We collected $3,500 and paid out $2,100 in prizes, raising a net profit of $1,335 for the Council. (Don’t criticize my math. One person reneged and another still owes $25). - Men’s Retreat.
Fr. Przemek will be hosting a men’s retreat on March 20th from 10-1pm. Rich Kearns is coordinating and will have more specific details shortly. In the meantime, let Rich know if you are interested. - Polar Plunge.
Special Olympic of Mass. Is going ahead with the Polar Plunge but it will be a virtual event this year. We have forged a relationship with Special Olympics and have benefited from the use of their gym as much as they have from our manpower, so we hope to be able to support their effort this year. Rich Pulice should have more details at the meeting. - Coats for Kids.
We purchased 3 dozen coats this year and delivered them to the Holy Trinity Anglican Church who sponsored a winter coat drive this year. With the Food Pantry’s clothing department closed due to Covid-19, this was our best option. Vincent DePaul only placed one coat for us. Thanks to Dale Dolesh for finding Holy Trinity’s program and partnering up with them. - Free Throw Competition.
Neil Cronin is looking for outdoor venues to hold the Free Throw Competition. Nationally, the program is cancelled, so ours will be a renegade operation. On the upside, we don’t have any deadlines to worry about. However, if we can get the program to run this Spring, it will brighten the day for many kids and keep the program alive for next year. - Several of our members are participating in the Cenacle Hour Hour of Prayer. This is unsually lead by Deacon Chuck Rosignol in the I.C. Lower Church Monday evenings at 6:00 p.m. No formalities to join, just show up. You can email Rich Kearns for more information, and to get on the email list for notices and announcements.
- Consecration to St. Joseph.
Deacon Chuck Rosignol is interested in starting a consecration to St. Joseph. Rich Kearns is our point man and will have more information as we go along. Let Rich know if you are interested.
Other Meeting Agenda Items
- Prayers / Intentions.Please remember Steve Thomas, our displaced Florida brother, battling throat cancer in your prayers.On a personal note, thank you to all who expressed sympathy during the last month following the death of my father, Len Tremblay one month ago yesterday. Although he was 97 and had given us a few close calls in the past year, there is no way to actually be prepared for such a loss. In the end, though he kissed his wife of 77 years goodnight and died peacefully exactly where he wanted to be: by her side. Please keep my mother, Phyllis, 96 in your prayers. She has strengthened a great deal in the past 30 days.
- Other business? If you have an item to add to the agenda, please let me know.
- News? If you have any news to report, email
See you all tonight on Zoom.
Vivat Jesus.
Mike Tremblay, Grand Knight