Grand Knight’s Blog
February 2022
Next Meeting
Date: Tuesday, January 11, 2022
Time: 7:30 p.m.
Place: St. Michael’s Parish Offices New Location this month!
Method: Live and in person. Masks recommended.
Activities Since Last Meeting
· New Meeting Location this Month
We are trying out a new location for our monthly meeting this month. Thanks to Fr. Ren Tocci, Pastor of St. Michael’s, for the use of space in the St. Michael’s parish office building.
The parish office building is located at 20 High Street, but because of one-way streets, the best way to get there is to set your GPS for the church which is 21 Manning Street and turn into the parking lot just before the church. A map for those of you unfamiliar with downtown Hudson is printed below.
Alert: Tuck’s Mobil Station, a familiar Hudson landmark, was demolished in the past two days, but the Tuck’s Truck dealership is still there. As you pass Tuck’s remember to take the first exit onto Broad Street at the little rotary. If you go too far around the rotary and stay on Rte. 85 – Washington Street – you’ll get lost.
Hudson is only five minutes away, and you don’t need a passport or visa to get there.
Programs and Upcoming Events
· Free Throw Challenge
The Free Throw Championship is on for Saturday, January 22, 2022 at 10:00 a.m.
Complete information is on our website:
We already have players signed up!
We need a few more volunteers. You can sign up here: .
We have award certificates and trophies on order.
Thanks to Neil Cronin for all the legwork and Special Olympics for the use of their gym.
· Superbowl Pool
The Patriots are in the playoffs! We will run our annual “Square” pool on the website starting next week.
Other Meeting Agenda Items
· Prayers / Intentions:
I received no notices or specific requests for prayers this month. Isn’t that a good thing! Just keep our usual suspects whom we know to be recovering or in adverse health in your prayers.
· Happy New Year!
· Other business?
If you have an item to add to the agenda, please let me know.
· News?
If you have any news to report, email
See you all Tuesday night.
Vivat Jesus.
Mike Tremblay, Grand Knight