Grand Knight’s Blog for March, 2020
Grand Knight’s Blog – March 2020
Next Meeting
Our next meeting is Tuesday, March 10, 2020 at 7:30 p.m.
St. Mary’s Chapel (lower church) at Immaculate Conception. Doors open at 7:00.
Activities Since Last Meeting
- Polar Plunge — February 15th. The Polar Plunge went off Saturday, February 15th at Special Olympics. We had six volunteers helping out – Tim Gruttner, Neil Cronin, Paul Cote, Rich Pulice, Kevin Armstrong, and Mike Tremblay. Fortunately, we were given a nice warm, inside job – staffing the registration table, and we didn’t have to jump into the freezing cold pool outdoors. The event was well attended and had over 75 “plungers” from all over central Massachusetts, especially law enforcement agencies including the Marlborough Police, Northborough Police, Worcester County Sheriff’s office, etc. We have some good pictures up on the website ( The event raised a ton of money for Special Olympics, a mission we support 100% and is aligned with all our Catholic values, and we were happy to help them out. It helped solidify our ongoing relationship with them. We have already benefited from this partnership since they let us use their gym for the Free Throw Championship for free. I think many events will be on our horizon, helping out intellectually disabled people in our community.
- Free Throw Championship – February 22nd. Council #81 hosted its first Free Throw Championship on February 22nd at the Special Olympic Gym. It was a huge success. We had 23 participants who were awarded trophies in 6 age divisions. Our winners now advance to the Regional Championship this Saturday, March 14th, at Nichols College. Thanks to our dozen Knights who turned out to make this such a success: Mike Bleecker, Mike Cahill, Mike Wells, Tim Gruttner, John Dedecko, Rich Uber, Tom Hirsh, Jon Rabidou, Mike Tremblay, Russ Lindquist from Northborough who taught us everything we needed to know, Official Council #81 photographer Robin Gibson, and especially event captain, DGK Neil Cronin. If you doubt the value of our efforts and the impact this event has made in our community, just have a look at the enormous smiles on the faces of the participants on the photos posted on our website:
- Lenten Adoration at St. Michael’s. Lent has begun. Fr. Ren reached out for support at his Lenten Adoration on Wednesdays and Fridays, and several of our Knights have shown up already. See details below if you are interested.
Programs and Upcoming Events
- Rosary before Meetings. Mike Bleecker has proposed a half-hour session before our meetings praying the Rosary in the I.C. Lower Church. If you are interested, arrive around 6:50 p.m., and the group will assemble behind the divider in the pew area, and pray until the meeting starts at 7:30. The rest of you are asked to filter in quietly. Those interested and anybody willing to help out (i.e., filling in for Mike) please give mike an email,
- Lenten Adoration at St. Michael’s. Wednesdays and Fridays, see our website for times and sign-up sheets.
- Rosary at St. Matthias. Wednesday evenings at 6:00 p.m. See our website for times and sign-up sheets.
- Lenten Talks at I.C. Starting March 9th, every Monday and Thursday at 7:30 at Meehan Hall there will be a series of connected, but independent, talks by various speakers about the Neocatechumenal Way. I.C. is also having daily Mass at 7:30 in St. Mary’s Chapel (i.e., lower church); Confessions Wednesdays at 6:00 and Saturdays at 3:00; and Stations of the Cross on Fridays at 6:00.
- IC Heritage Night. Saturday, March 21st 5:30 to 8:00 p.m. Come and enjoy a night out with your family, explore the exciting cultures and foods represented by the people of the Immaculate Conception Parish. I.C. will be hosting its first annual Heritage Night (formerly Pasta Supper Night) which will showcase various ethnic foods, performances and customs all taking place within the Immaculate Conception parish. And yes, there will be pasta. An infusion of international foods served buffet style will be available which will include, but are not exclusive to, our Mexican, Peruvian, Brazilian, German, Italian, El Salvadoran, Polish, Guatemalan, Armenian, Puerto Rican, Greek and Portuguese cultures. Live entertainment, international music and cultural performances will capture your hearts as beautiful displays and auditions are presented representing their native lands. Open to all ages.
- Lantern Award. The Lantern Award is named for the lanterns placed in the bell tower of the Old North Church to warn Paul Revere of the British army movement. The award takes place around Patriot’s Day each year and was instituted in 1957 by the Massachusetts State Council to honor people who evidence the religious and patriotic ideals of our order. This year, Marine Major General Joseph Dunford, Retired Joint Chief of Staff, will be honored. Gen. Dunford was born in Boston and grew up in Quincy. Monday, April 20, 2020, Sheraton Tara Hotel and Conference Center, 1657 Worcester Road, Framingham. Cocktails 5:30, Dinner and Program 7:00. Download the registration form here:
- Indigenous People’s Day. The Town of Wellesley is considering changing Columbus Day to Indigenous People’s Day. On March 11th at the Wellesley Community Center, 219 Washington Street, Wellesley Ma. at 7:00 pm State Deputy Paul Flanagan will join in a public discussion. We don’t oppose marking a date for Indigenous People’s Day, but we do support keeping Columbus Day as it is, to commemorate the person who brought Christianity to North America. The State Deputy invites any members that would to like attend this session to come and show your support to keep Columbus Day as it is.
- State Raffle Tickets. Grand Knight will have state raffle tickets at the meeting.
Other Meeting Agenda Items
- Deacon Elcio’s Mother. Deacon Elcio’s mother Mercilia Santos, 86, died Saturday, March 6th, and unfortunately the wake is at the same time as our meeting at the Fitzgerald-Collins Funeral Home on Lincoln Street. The wake begins at 6:00 p.m., so if you have time, there is a small window of time to stop by on the way to our meeting.
- Other Prayers and Intentions. State Chaplain Fr. Robert Bruso is very ill, in a long fight with cancer. He attended the Supreme Convention last August. Former two-term State Master of the Fourth Degree John “Jack” McKenzie passed away today, March 9th. In performing roster maintenance, we learned that Donald Ackroyd, Fourth Degree Knight, passed away last year on March 13, 2019.
- Russ Lindquist Dinner. There will be a Friendship Dinner for District Deputy Russ Lindquist on April 18th in Westboro. Cocktails at 6:30pm followed by dinner at 7pm. There will be a raffle and a cash bar. Tickets are $25.00 and the proceeds go towards his expenses representing our state at the supreme convention. Russ has been a good friend of Council #81, helping out in the honor guard at Sgt. Sandini’s funeral; and at Christy Rembetsy’s funeral. He also mentored Neil and our volunteers at the Free Throw Championship, so he certainly deserves a few grateful faces from Marlboro to help defray his expenses to attend the 138th Supreme Convention in Washington, DC in August.
- New Members. We received a transfer from Northborough, Joseph Moineau who lives in Marlboro. Welcome!
- Safe Environment Program. Thus far, only one member of Council #81 has completed the Safe Environment Training. Unfortunately, in this day and age, this is a critical element of preserving our reputation and ensuring that the Knights are an organization that can be trusted by our community, especially in connection with youth programs. Only the four Program Directors (Faith, Community, Family and Life) are required to complete this training, and we cannot run a youth program without at least one qualified Program Director present. It only takes about an hour in the comfort of your home, costs nothing, and you can drink or snack while doing the on-line course. Also, it’s informative and you will learn something. All of the credentials for our officers have expired, so our Financial Secretary Mike Wells will be re-instating you and you will have another fresh 45-day window to complete the training. You will get an email from Supreme with your log in credentials to a vendor called Praesidium Armatus. You will be certified for four years. So, please, log on and complete this training so we can operate effectively. You know who you are!.
- McSweeney Assembly March Meeting. If you are a Fourth Degree Knight and haven’t been to an assembly meeting in a while, now is the time to get re-acquainted. Former State Master Charlie Murphy (who works for a superb national food distributor) and his faithful sous chef Mike Mullins will put on their famous Corned Beef and Cabbage Dinner at Father Robert Hurley Hall, Our Lady of Fatima Church, Sudbury on March 19, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. Contact Mike Gibson if you can attend.
- RSVP – Refund Support of Vocations. One of the Faith in Action Programs is to support seminarians. I have found a seminarian who might fit the bill for us. Come to the meeting and find out more!
- Social Event. We are still kicking around the idea of a social night out with wives and families. Anyone interested in exploring this endeavor, please let me know.
- Departed Knights Mass and Reception. We are still discussing this event. Anyone interested in taking the lead on this, please let me know.
If you have any news to report, email
Vivat Jesus,
Mike Tremblay, GK