Grand Knight’s Blog, December 2023
December, 2023
Next Meeting
Date: Tuesday, December 12, 2023
Time: 7:30 p.m. . . . . . . . . doors open at 7:00
Place: St. Matthias Parish Hall
Activities and News Since Last Meeting
· Poinsettia Program
Mike Wells came up with an idea to deliver a Poinsettia plant to the widows of our deceased brother knights. After word got out, the program expanded to other widows, home-bound parishioners, and hospice patients. Mike negotiated a sweet deal from Lowe’s and we obtained over 100 plants for $1.00 a piece, and on two Saturdays Dec. 2nd and 9th eleven Knights delivered them personally to grateful recipients. Thanks to Mike Wells for the leadership on this program, which was very well received and gave us good exposure, not to mention the good will. Thanks to Mike Bleecker, Jon Schmidt, Chuck Rossignol, Ernie Waingortin, Rich
Caissie, Kevin Armstrong, Tim Gruttner, Mike Tremblay, Chris Lundberg, Dale Dolesh and Rich Pulice who drove all over Marlboro and Hudson delivering plants. All the plants had a tag that said “Merry Christmas from the Knights of Columbus.”
· Coats for Kids Program
We originally subscribed to 8 cases of coats (approx. 96 coats) for $2,000; and Mike Wells got them delivered to our partner agencies, including the Hudson Boy’s and Girl’s Club shown here.
But then an overage occurred at the Worcester Chapter headquarters, and we were able to pick up an additional 4 cases for free. Nationally, Supreme raised $780,000 for this program, which is how we them so cheap.
Programs and Upcoming Events
· Fourth Degree Meeting
The next McSweeney Assembly of 4th Degree Knights is December 21, 2023 at 7:00 at the Knights of Columbus Hall,15 Willow St., Westborough, MA. Our three newest 4th Degree Knights will be introduced to the Assembly: Dcn. Chuck Rossignol, GK Brendan Butler, and DGK Kevin Armstrong. Brendan and Kevin made the St. Mike’s bulletin last week.
All other 4th Degree Knights are welcome. Please email the 4th Degree contact man, Mike Tremblay ( if you plan to attend so we can give a headcount to the Faithful Captain.
Dress is a business suit and tie. Meeting starts at 7:00 p.m., then adjourns when dinner is ready, and resumes after dinner. Cash bar. Small charge for catered dinner.
· March for Life
Fr. Steven has asked for our support to raise funds to defray expenses for students to attend the March for Life in Washington, DC on January 19, 2024. A motion has been presented to donate $1,000 of council funds, and to raise additional funds through out website resources. This important motion is up for vote tonight, so please plan to attend and weigh in. Our website has already been set up to take donations with a dedicated link to our credit and debit card processing page; and a QR code was obtained to direct donations from the parish bulletins and other sources such as posters. It will be in next Sunday’s I.C. Bulletin and these posters will be at the back of the church to facilitate donations.
Our Supreme organization has a proud tradition of providing generous support for the March for Life, and without a doubt, this event has been instrumental in influencing the recent shift in federal government policy on the right to life. The students attending will be paying their own way for transportation, lodging and meals. Our donation and fundraising will directly reduce their out of pocket costs.
If you can’t make the meeting, but wish to participate, you can visit our website or use the QR code below.
· Email Address Reminder
You don’t have to memorize any email addresses for Council #81 officers. You can always reach the following officer with the following addresses, even after the officers have changed:
· State Board Meeting
Council #81 has been asked to host the State Officer’s meeting sometime between Jan.29th and Feb 1st. We have reached out to see if we can do so at the St. Matthias Hall. If you are interested in attending, it’s open to the membership. It will give you a good inside look at what goes on at the State level. And if you are interested in helping out (setting up tables, chairs, clean up, etc.) please let the webmaster know. (
· Membership Dues
Membership dues for 2024 are due. Please bring a check to Council #81 for $30 to tonight’s meeting if you are attending; or you can mail it in; or you can pay online at, just go to the “Members” menu link and there’s credit card link at the bottom of the page.
· Members Contact Info Update
If you didn’t get the notice of this month’s meeting in the mail, you may need to update your mailing address and contact information. Just go to, and click the “Members Update Page” under the Members menu link.
· Odds and Ends
Two requests came in from the Website this past month. First, somebody has hearing aids from a recently deceased relative. If you are aware of anybody in need, let the webmaster know.
Secondly, a Knight from elsewhere is in search of a District Warden robe. If anybody has one to donate, let the webmaster know.
· Our Upcoming Programming
“Keeping Christ in Christmas” Poster Contest and Essay Contest. The “Keeping Christ in Christmas” materials have arrived and have been distributed to the Religious Ed directors. They will be judged in the next week. Thanks to Mike Wells for taking the lead on this program.
Basketball Free Throw Challenge is planned for January or February. Neil Cronin is Program Manager. He will be looking for helpers such as scorers, registration table, prizes, etc.
· Blue Mass
Fr. Giombetti was pleased to hear of the Blue Mass project, and we are targeting the first or second Sunday in May, 2024. More news later. The Grand Knight is in contact with police chief DePersio and Capt. Breen and everybody is excited about doing this.
Other News and Meeting Agenda Items
· 12 months of free membership
Tell any of your friends or neighbors interested in joining, use the QR code below to join online and use the promo code “BlessedMcGivney” for 12 months of free membership.
· Prayers / Intentions:
John Harrold has had a miserable year. He has been in poor health; his son passed away earlier this year; his daughter has cancer and is in radiation therapy and her house burned down. Please keep John and his family in your prayers, and if anybody learns of a need we can fulfill, please let the Grand Knight know. She’s still looking for a place to live.
Deacon Elcio and Deacon Chuck are still officially awaiting appointments.
Claire Fallon is undergoing cancer treatment after surgery, and looks to have long recovery ahead; and their son Craig had a setback bur remains stable.
Pat Curley, the Executive Secretary at State Headquarters had a stroke and was hospitalized but is home recovering with lots of physical therapy.
Please keep these friends in your prayers.
· · Other business?
If you have an item to add to the next meeting agenda, please let me know.
If you have any news to report, email
· Merry Christmas
A blessed and Merry Christmas to all of our Knights and your families from the Grand Knight and officers of Council #81
See you all tonight.
Vivat Jesus.
Brendan Butler
Grand Knight