Prayers for Fr. Gregory Mercurio
Council 81’s long-time Chaplain, Fr. Gregory Mercurio, is very ill and entering Hospice tonight.
Fr. Gregory was well known and well loved by the people of Marlboro, first having served while a Franciscan Friar at St. Ann’s in Marlboro, a large Italian community, in the 1970’s and 80’s. Later, he transitioned to a diocesan priest and served at Immaculate Conception. In 1996 he was assigned Pastor at Holy Family in Lynn, another large Italian community. Fr. Gregory was famous among Lynn residents for his gardening and was loved along with his famous dog, Nubbs. In 2017 Fr. Gregory was granted senior priest status and returned to Immaculate Conception. In 2019, he had surgery for a spinal disorder and retired. Over the past few years, his health has been declining. He’s been living in his cottage in Wareham since the outbreak of Covid.
Please keep Fr. Gregory in your prayers.