Elections Coming Up!
According to our bylaws, the regular business meeting on June 12, 2018 will include the annual election of officers.
A slate of nominees has been proposed by the Nominating Committee as follows:
Grand Knight: Rafael Johnson *
Deputy Grand Knight: Neil Cronin *
Chancellor: Rob Pierce *
Advocate: Mike Tremblay *
Recorder: Dale Dolesh *
Warden: Rich Pulice #
Treasurer: John DeDecko*
Inside Guard: Tom Hirsch *
Outside Guard: Armando Baltazar *
Trustees: Rich Kearns*
Mike Fallon,*
Scott Snyder*
Chaplain: Fr Gregory Mercurio (appointed by Grand Knight)
* denotes incumbent candidate for this position
# denotes new candidate for this position
Additional nominations may be made from the floor before the election.
If you did not receive a post-card informing you of the election meeting, please log on this this webpage and provide your corrected / updated contact information: http://kofcmarlboro.org/home/members-update/