Coats for Kids Motion
Last year, in the wake of Covid-19, we became aware of an extraordinary need for winter coats for needy kids in our community. We originally purchased and donated 4 cases of new winter coats in children’s sizes, partnering with several agencies in Marlboro and Hudson who helped us identify kids in need: Hudson and Marlboro Boy’s and Girl’s Clubs; St. Vincent dePaul Society – Christmas Tree Program; and United Way. After we distributed those 4 cases, we were alerted to a need at a shelter operated by SMOC for more than a dozen immigrant refugees in Hudson. We were able to grab up 4 more cases from the distribution center in Shrewsbury. Our program was spearheaded by Mike Wells, who found these needy kids and helped plug a big hole in their lives.
This year Mike has proposed starting right out with 8 cases, but because of the cost, this requires a motion and notice according to our bylaws, so watch for your notice in the mail and please try to attend and vote for this expenditure at our next meeting on October 10, 2023 at 7:30 p.m. at St. Matthias Hall.