Calling all nominees! Officer positions available for upcoming election.
The Nominating Committee is reaching out to all Council members who are 3rd degree or will be third degree shortly. We are looking for officer candidates for the upcoming fraternal year.
All positions are in play from Grand Knight down to Outside Guard. If you have held an office in another Council and would like to take a leadership role in Council 81, please step up and be counted. A simple email to the Nominating Committee with the position you are interested in is all it takes to ensure you will be read as a nominee at the next meeting.
For those who are newbies or those who have been manning the sidelines, this could be your year! Throw your hat (or chapeau for you 4th degree) into the ring. Lets make it an interesting election. It would be nice to have a few contested spots up for grabs.
Don’t be shy, be that guy and take a lead role in your Council
Steve Thomas
Nominating Committee