Knights of Columbus
Adopted January 14, 2014
Section 1. This Council shall be known as MARLBORO COUNCIL NO. 81, Knights of Columbus.
Section 2. The initiation fee shall be 10.00 except that for applicants under 26 years of age it shall be 10.00 and for Priests and religious it shall be nil. One-half of the initiation fee shall accompany the application but it shall be refunded if the application is rejected.
Section 3 2. Each member shall pay annual dues. The annual dues of members shall be 20.00 35.00, except honorary members who shall pay the sum of State and Supreme Council per capita charges and levies, and honorary life members who shall pay nothing. A reduced rate of dues for insured members under 26 years of age may be established, but it shall not be less than 3.00 per year. Except as stated above, the dues of associate and insurance members shall be the same.
Section 4 3. The Financial Secretary shall receive annual compensation, payable in quarterly installments at the end of each quarter, from the council an amount equal to 10 percent of the moneys collected on account of dues from both insurance and associate members.
ARTICLE II – Elections
Section 1. The annual election of officers shall take place at a regular business meeting held between May 15 and June 15 of each fraternal year. At least two months before the annual election, the Grand Knight shall appoint a Nominating Committee of three who shall prepare a slate of candidates for the elective council offices. This slate shall be presented to the council not later than the regular business meeting preceding the meeting at which annual elections are to take place. Other nominations may be made from the floor and nominations may not be closed until the election meeting has convened and the members are ready to ballot.
Section 2. The election of officers shall be by ballot and a majority of all votes cast shall be necessary to elect. When only one candidate is proposed for a particular office and no further nominations have been made from the floor, the presiding Grand Knight shall declare the individual elected by acclamation. Voting by proxy or absentee ballot is prohibited.
Section 3. The Grand Knight shall appoint two members to act as Tellers. After all who are entitled to do so have voted, the ballot shall be declared closed and the Tellers shall then proceed to count the votes in full view of the Council. One of the Tellers shall examine each ballot singly and pass the same to his associate, who shall read aloud the name or names written or printed on all legal ballots. The Recorder shall tally the same and the result thereof shall be announced by the Grand Knight.
Section 4. Each officer elected must qualify and fill the office to which he is chosen,
with or without installation, at the first regular meeting in the month of July succeeding his election, unless excused by a vote of the Council, and must present himself for installation at the time specified in the notice issued by or through the State Deputy or District Deputy, unless excused by such officer. Otherwise such office shall be considered vacant.
Section 5. Vacancies in elective offices shall be filled, after notice to the members, by election at the regular business meeting next succeeding the regular meeting at which the vacancy was created.
ARTICLE III – Officers
Section 1. Only members who are in good standing and who have been initiated in the first three Degrees of the Order shall be eligible to hold office in this Council. No member shall hold more than one office at the same time.
Section 2. The elective offices shall be as follows: Grand Knight, Deputy Grand Knight, Chancellor, Recorder, Treasurer, Advocate, Warden, Inside Guard, Outside Guard (two Outside Guards may be elected) and Board of Trustees.
Section 3. The appointive officers shall be as follows: Financial Secretary, Lecturer, and Chaplain. The Financial Secretary shall be appointed by the Supreme Knight. The Chaplain shall be selected by the Grand Knight, Deputy Grand Knight and Board of Trustees in accordance with any rules established by the Bishop of the Diocese. The Grand Knight shall appoint the Lecturer.
Section 4. At the last regular business meeting in June of each year, the Council shall determine the amount of bond to be given by the Treasurer and Financial Secretary in addition to the bond furnished by the Supreme Council. The Treasurer and Financial Secretary shall not take office or be installed, or receive any money or property of the Council until they have furnished such bond and the same has been approved by the Board of Trustees. The premium on said bond shall be paid by the Council.
Section 5. The Council Officers shall perform the duties required of them by the Laws and Rules of the Order, and by these By-Laws and such other duties as the Council may direct.
Section 6. Except when notice of application shall be published as provided by Section 110 of the Laws and Rules of the Order, it shall be the duty of the Grand Knight, as early as practicable before each regular meeting, to file with the Recorder a list of candidates to be balloted upon at such meeting.
Section 7. At the end of each semiannual period, the Board of Trustees shall meet and audit the several books of this Council. In each January and July, the Board of Trustees shall make a full report of their findings, including the receipts and disbursements of the moneys of this Council for the previous semiannual period, the balance on hand to the credit of each of the various funds at the end of each semiannual period, and the assets and liabilities of the Council. The Grand Knight shall issue the call for such meeting of the Board of Trustees.
Section 8. Where a member ipso facto forfeits his membership, the Grand Knight and Financial Secretary shall immediately notify the Supreme Secretary of such forfeiture and shall immediately send notice in writing to the member. The notice shall state with particularity the reason for the forfeiture and the date the forfeiture occurred. In those cases relating to ipso facto forfeiture for failure to pay council dues, such notice shall not be sent to the Supreme Secretary or to the member until an officer or a member of the Retention Committee shall contact the member and endeavor to have him retain his membership.
Section 9. The Recorder shall file all reports in a filing book to be provided for that purpose and the same shall be preserved as a part of the records of this Council.
ARTICLE IV – Meetings
Section 1. The Council’s monthly business meeting shall be held at a date, time and location established by the Council. Ten members shall constitute a quorum at business meetings.
Section 2. All meetings of the Council shall be presided over by the Grand Knight, who will ascertain from the Warden if all present are possessed of the current membership card.
Section 3. The order of business and procedure for all regular business meetings of this Council shall conform to Section 125 of the Laws of the Order.
Section 4. Special business meetings can be convened: (1) by vote of the Council at a preceding regular business meeting; (2) by direction of the Grand Knight; (3) by the Grand Knight upon the written request of seven members stating the object of the meeting. Due notice of special business meetings and their purpose shall be given to each member in the usual way and no other business shall be transacted at any such meeting.
Section 5. The following shall be the order of business and procedure at special business meetings:
- Call to Order
- Warden’s Report on Membership Card
- Prayer
- Roll Call of Officers
- *Opening Ode
- Special Order of Business
- Prayer
- *Closing Ode
*Parts of the order of business marked with an asterisk may be omitted.
Section 6. It shall be the duty of all officers to attend each meeting of the Council. In case of inability of any officer to attend a meeting, due notice shall be given to the Grand Knight and arrangements made to have all necessary books and papers in the possession of such officer at the meeting. If a Chair Officer is absent from a meeting, the presiding officer shall designate a member to act for him. If an elected officer, without reasonable excuse approved by the Grand Knight, is absent from three consecutive regular business meetings, the Grand Knight may report this fact to the District Deputy for such action under Section 92(b) of the Laws and Rules of the Order as the District Deputy deems appropriate.
Section 7. In the absence or inability of the Grand Knight the Deputy Grand Knight shall preside and he shall execute all of the duties of the Grand Knight. In the absence of the Grand Knight and Deputy Grand Knight the duty of presiding shall devolve on the other officers of the Council in the order in which they are named in Section 126 of the Laws and Rules of the Order.
Section 8. If any meeting shall fall on a legal holiday said meeting shall be held the following day unless the Council, by vote at a previous business meeting, annuls such meeting or fixes a different date for such meeting within the month for which it is scheduled.
Section 9. In the event of a public health emergency, weather emergency, or other condition impeding the physical presence of members at a meeting, at the direction of the Grand Knight, a meeting of the members may be conducted virtually by telephone or video conferencing under such circumstances that all members are given notice and have adequate opportunity to meaningfully participate.
ARTICLE V – Balloting for Candidates
Section 1. The Grand Knight and Deputy Grand Knight shall privately inspect the ballot box, both before and after the ballot, and the Grand Knight shall announce the result. The Warden shall be responsible for the balloting of candidates and shall distribute ballots to all members present. He shall place the ballot box on the salutation table and take his place six feet therefrom. He shall then request that all officers vote and after they have voted, he shall request the members to vote. They shall advance in single file and deposit their ballots. No member shall pass the Warden until the member preceding him has voted. After all who desire to do so have voted, the Warden shall exhibit the ballot box to the Grand Knight and Deputy Grand Knight and they shall count the votes. If the number of negative ballots cast does not exceed one-half of the members present, the applicant shall be declared elected, otherwise rejected. The exact number of negative ballots shall not be stated. If more than one candidate is to be balloted for at a meeting, the Grand Knight may announce that the first ballot shall be a general one upon all the candidates, and if not more than one-half of those present shall cast negative ballots upon the such general ballot, no other ballots shall be taken. If such announcement is made, and no more than one-half negative ballots are cast upon said general ballot, all candidates so balloted for shall be declared elected. If more than one-half negative ballots are cast upon said general ballot, then an individual ballot shall be taken on each candidate.
ARTICLE VI – Committees
Section 1. In addition to the Committees provided for in the Laws and Rules of the Order, the following Service Program Directors shall be appointed:
- Program Director whose goal will be the direct involvement and personal commitment of the council and membership in a program that will establish the Knights of Columbus as truly a Catholic, family, fraternal, service organization.
- Membership Director to have supervision of a comprehensive program of recruitment and retention for his council.
- Director of Church Activities to promote a program that will enable the membership to respond to the constant call for the active participation of the laity in the work of the Church.
- Director of Community Activities whose responsibility it will be to make the council aware of its life within the community and to develop programs that will be of service to the community.
- Director of Council Activities who will be concerned with the promotion of brotherhood through athletic, cultural and social programs. Additionally, he will be responsible for the development of public relations in the council.
- Director of Youth Activities to provide the youth in the community with the means and the opportunity to become personally committed and involved in meeting the challenges of our times. He will also be responsible for the promotion of the Order’s junior organization, the Columbian Squires.
- Director of Family Life Activities to promote activities and programs within the Council that would strengthen and support the family life of its members.
- Such other Committees as may be required by these By-Laws or may be established by the Council or its Grand Knight.
Section 2. Except as herein provided, all Committees shall be appointed by the Grand Knight and the first person named on the Committee shall act as Chairman thereof. Standing Committees shall serve for the current year or until their successors have been appointed. A majority of the Committee shall constitute a quorum for transaction of business.
Section 1. All moneys obtained from any source, by or through any person or persons, acting for or in the name of the Council or under its direction or authority, shall be considered
Council Funds and shall be forthwith delivered to the Financial Secretary, who will give his official receipt therefore and who will report at each meeting the amounts so received and from what source and shall deliver the same to the council Treasurer and take his receipt therefore.
Section 2. The Treasurer shall deposit all moneys received from the Financial Secretary in a bank to the credit of the council. Disbursements from this fund shall be made only by check signed by the Grand Knight and Treasurer. The Deputy Grand Knight shall have the authority to sign council drafts only in the event of the Grand Knight’s absence. The depository bank shall be furnished with a copy of this section.
Section 3. No money in excess of $500.00 shall be paid or transferred from the Treasury of this Council, (except such moneys as the Council is called upon to regularly pay for its current expenses and as provided by the Laws and Rules of the Order, for purposes approved by the Supreme Council or Board of Directors, or which has been approved as part of the Fraternal Year Budget as provided for in Article IX), unless by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting at a regular business meeting held subsequent to a regular business meeting at which notice in writing of a resolution of intention to pay or transfer such money and the purposes and amount to be paid or transferred shall have been given and regularly read.
Section 4. All bills shall be presented to the Recorder and by him read to the Council before being referred to the Board of Trustees. In case a bill is not approved by the Board of Trustees, it shall be referred back to the Council for action.
Section 5. The sum of 250.00 shall be paid from the General Fund to the Financial Secretary and shall be known as the Relief Fund. A Relief Committee shall be composed of the Grand Knight, Financial Secretary and Treasurer and shall investigate the case of any brother who is reported to be in distress or in need of relief. If, in the Committee’s judgment, the case is one deserving of assistance, the Committee shall have power to draw from this Relief Fund such reasonable sum of money to afford assistance as the circumstances of the case may require, provided that in no single case shall more than 50.00 be paid out without reference to and approval by the Council.
ARTICLE VIII – Funerals, Etc.
Section 1. Upon the death of a member in good standing, the Memorial Committee shall give notice to the members and, if time permits, shall request them to assemble and pay their respects to the memory of the deceased at a time and place to be indicated in such notice.
Section 2. When notice of the death of a member in good standing is received, the Memorial Committee shall forward to the family of the deceased a message of condolence on behalf of the Council.
The Memorial Committee shall arrange for the celebration during the month of November of each year a Mass for the repose of the souls of the deceased members and shall cause five days notice to be given to the members of the time and place of such Mass. The Mass shall be celebrated by the Chaplain unless he is indisposed.
Section 3. The Council shall receive Holy Communion in a body during the Easter period, at a time and place to be determined by vote of the Council.
ARTICLE IX – Miscellaneous
Section 1. These By-Laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting at a regular business meeting held subsequent to a regular business meeting at which a resolution in writing providing for such amendment shall have been read and notice of the proposed amendment shall have been given to the members in writing or in the council publication at least five days prior to the second meeting.
Section 2. Procedure and debate shall be in accordance with the Laws and Rules of the Supreme Council, the Supreme Board of Directors, these By-Laws and the Rules of Parliamentary Law known as “Robert’s Rules of Order.”
Section 3. Wherever in these By-laws there shall be a requirement for “written notice” or “notice in writing,” such notice shall be sufficient if made by email to a member who registers his email address with the Financial Secretary for the purpose of receiving notices.
Section 4. Annual Budget. At the first regular business meeting of the Fraternal Year, an annual budget shall be proposed by the Grand Knight. If approved by two-thirds of the members present at such meeting or later, spending in accordance with the approved Annual Budget shall not require special notice as provided in Article VII section 3.
These By-Laws adopted by vote of the Council, January 14, 2014.
James Kennedy Grand Knight
Raphel Johnson Recorder
Date of Institution: September 9, 1893 Approved: <Council Approved Date>
JOHN A. MARRELLA Supreme Advocate