Home of the Divine Mercy Institute News
Meet Brenda! Orphaned at a young age, Brenda just completed her Primary School education in the village school, scoring near the highest rank in national examinations.
We want to send Brenda on to Secondary School at Saint Mary’s High School in Kabale. Some funds have been donated for Brenda to begin in February but we need your help. About $1,000 per year will cover the costs. Please consider making a donation today. Every dollar counts!
Thank You! – Fr. Evarist
You can make a one time donation or perhaps you would consider making a recurring donation of $10 per month?
The Buy a Brick! campaign is still on.
Council #81’s fundraising efforts have contributed to these accomplishments so far:
Phase I of the building campaign is complete and has produced this new classroom building. Phase II of the expansion program has started and they are still in need of donations to help buy building supplies for the new dormitory building. The project is already under way. The dormitory will house up to 50 orphaned or abandoned girls. The total project cost is estimated to be about $21,000.00. Along with other building materials, Fr. Gaboysa’s urgent need right now is about 25,000 more bricks to complete the exterior construction. Council #81 has committed to help buy lots of bricks. Buy a Brick! Your donation goes directly toward the acquisition of building materials.
- A $5.00 donation buys 20 bricks.
- $10 buys 50 bricks.
- $25 buys 140 bricks
- $50 buys 250 bricks
Buy a whole ton of bricks for $50 and help save a child!