A Message from the Grand Knight – Back to Work!
Greetings Brother Knights,
It”s that time for Council 81 to reconvene and continue our mission of charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism for the community we reside in. This a reminder that our first council 81 meeting of this fraternal year is Tuesday, August 14th, 7:30pm – 8:30pm, IC Lower Church in Marlborough, MA. Doors will be open at 7pm, meeting starts promptly at 7:30pm.
2018 is very significant as we will celebrate our 125th Anniversary on September 8th at Marlborough Country Club which is a black tie affair. We hope that all council 81 members and their families will be present to represent along with our local dignitaries.. If you have not purchased your ticket yet please let me know.
We will officially welcome all of our new members into council 81 on Tuesday, Aug 14th.
Below is a brief reminder of council 81’s upcoming events. Please see our website: kofcmarlboro.org as we have sign up sheets for some of the upcoming events:
August 11th IC Church will host a volunteer day for all parishioner’s to assist with maintenance and cleaning of IC Parish and IC School. There are many projects that we can volunteer for, even if you want to be the short order cook. If your available to volunteer please sign up on our website or at the church prior to the event. Fr Stevens will provide direction on the projects. I request that council 81 make a donation to the Parish to support this effort as well.
Tuesday August 14th Council Monthly Meeting – IC Lower church, 7:30pm.
Saturday, August 18th, Worcester State Hospital summer party. We need 3-4 volunteers to assist. Please reach out to Rich Kearns, directly, if your available to volunteer.
Monday September 3rd, Marlborough Labor Day Parade. Council 81 will be present and accounted for during the annual event by marching in the parade. More to come on this.
Saturday, Sept 8th, 125th Celebration, Knight of Columbus, Marlborough Country Club, 6pm – 11pm. More details to follow. If your planning to attend with your family please ensure that you reach out to the event directors, Steve Thomas and/or Mike Fallon.
Tootsie Roll Campaign – Columbus Day Weekend, October 5-7th. Council 81 will secure various venues to volunteer. We plan to start a few weeks early this year to raise additional funds for the children and families with intellectual disabilities. More to come on this.
Dinner to Honor Deceased Council 81 Members, Saturday, November 14th, 6-9pm, Courtyard Marriott on Felton St. in Marlborough. More to come on this.
Brothers, our participation in the events above will not go unnoticed. Our community looks forward to seeing the Knights of Columbus, one of the pillars of our community for 125 years!! Please block your calendars based on your availability.
Vivat Jesus!
Grand Knight, Council 81
508 410 5443