Proposed By-law Amendments
Below are printed the proposed by-law changes wihch will be voted on on October 8th regular business meeting at 7:30 at St. Matthias Parish Hall:
1, The Initiation fee as provided in Article I section 2 shall be abrogated. The said section 2 shall be deleted and the succeeding sections renumbered accordingly.
2, The annual dues as provided in Article I section 3 (presently $20.00) shall be increased to $35.00.
3, Add to Article IV a new section 9 as follows:
“Section 9. In the event of a public health emergency, weather emergency, or other condition substantially impeding the physical presence of members at a meeting, at the direction of the Grand Knight a meeting of the members may be conducted virtually by telephone or video conferencing under such circumstances that all members are given notice and have adequate opportunity to meaningfully participate.”
4, Add to Article IX a new section 3 as follows:
“Section 3. Wherever in these By-laws there shall be a requirement for “written notice” or “notice in writing,” such notice shall be sufficient if made by email to a member who has provided a working email address to the Council. A member shall be deemed to have assented to electronic notifications unless he shall notify the Financial Secretary that he desires to opt out and receive written notifications by mail.”
5, Amend Article VII section 3 to add the underlined language set forth below:
“Section 3. No money in excess of $500.00 shall be paid or transferred from the Treasury of this Council, (except such moneys as the Council is called upon to regularly pay for its current expenses and as provided by the Laws and Rules of the Order, for purposes approved by the Supreme Council or Board of Directors, or which has been approved as part of the Annual Budget as provided for in Article IX), unless by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting at a regular business meeting held subsequent to a regular business meeting at which notice in writing of a resolution of intention to pay or transfer such money and the purposes and amount to be paid or transferred shall have been given and regularly read.”
6, Add to Article IX a new section 4 as follows:
“Section 4. Annual Budget. At the first regular business meeting of the Fraternal Year, an annual budget shall be proposed by the Grand Knight. If approved by two-thirds of the members present at such meeting or later, spending in accordance with the approved Annual Budget shall not require special notice as provided in Article VII section 3.”
Click here to view our existing by-laws with the proposed changes inserted in red.