Grand Knight’s Blog – October 2021
Next Meeting
Date: Tuesday, October 12, 2021
Time: 7:30 p.m.
Place: I.C. Lower Church
Method: Live and in person!
Activities and News Since Last Meeting
- Tootsie Roll Drive
Masses at St. Mike’s were covered by Mike Wells, Tim Gruttner, Chris Lundburg, and yours truly. Rough total looks like to be a little under $400. We have the parish picnic next weekend, so that might improve.
St. Matthias was covered by Dale Dolesh, Mike Fallon and Rich Pulice. They did around $500.
Church attendance is still definitely down, but we are making a start at normalcy again and can only improve on this.
Thanks to everybody who helped out. This event is an important part of our mission. If we are going to convince people that all lives have value, we have to put our money where are mouths are and stand up to help people and families with disabled children.
Because of scheduling clash, I.C. is on for next weekend. We will circulate the materials at tonight’s meeting. Sign up for a slot on our website.
- Catholic Essay Contest.
The materials have been disseminated to the parish captains at the three parishes, and are in the hands of some CCD leaders already. We expect a November 1st roll-out and finish around Thanksgiving. The topic this year is:
“In an essay of 500-750 words, describe everyday obstacles that you may have experienced or witnessed others experiencing while living a life of authentic faith. Explain how you have overcome these obstacles and how, by doing so, it has helped your faith to continue to grow.”
“Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” – James 1:2-4
I’ve ordered 25 good quality rosary beads and some KofC Christmas ornaments as prizes, and will ask the three pastors if they would like a short award ceremony at one of the Masses.
- Round Tables
We have been approved for two Round Tables: one for St. Mike’s and one for the Brazilian/Portuguese community. I have started the paperwork. Deacon Elcio gave me email addresses for about 15 of the organizing members of the Brazilian Rosary group which I am working on.
Programs and Upcoming Events
- Michael Parish Picnic.
Sunday, Oct. 17th, at Hudson Elks picnic grounds. Picnic starts at 10:30; outdoor Mass at 11:00. We need a few more guys to staff our table to welcome folks, explain what we are all about, and sell some more Tootsie rolls. This is a good membership event. If you can volunteer, sign up on our website. The Grand Knight’s wife has entered the Pie Contest. - State Charity Ball.
The state charity ball is October 23 at the Doubletree in Leominster. Mike Gibson is the program director and Emcee. My wife and I will be there to represent Council #81 and deliver the Tootsie roll money. - Free Throw Challenge
Neil Cronin is leading the initiative to get this fantastic program back up and running, hopefully for February school vacation.
Other Meeting Agenda Items
Prayers / Intentions:
- Carole Avey.
Our deceased brother Cliff Avey’s sister, Carole, died Friday. Her funeral will be Oct 25th at St. Matthias. - Andy Tivnan.
Andy had a set back a few weeks ago with fluid build-up, and had an effusion which drained an insane amount of fluid, upwards of 50 lbs. (I could use one of those myself). I chatted with him and he’s doing better. He was outside manicuring his lawn, his pride and joy. - Other business? If you have an item to add to the agenda, please let me know.
- News? If you have any news to report, email
See you all tonight.
Vivat Jesus.
Mike Tremblay, Grand Knight