Grand Knight’s Blog – April 2021
Grand Knight’s Blog – April 2021
Next Meeting
Date: Tuesday, April 13, 2021
Time: 7:30 p.m.
Place: Zoom Video Conference.
Log in with this link:
A password is required on all Zoom meetings now, and the password is: kc81
Or dial in: 312-626-6799
Meeting ID: 894 9747 5792
Passcode: kc81
Activities and News Since Last Meeting
- Two New Fourth Degree Knights
Congratulations to DD Rich Pulice and Deacon Elcio dos Santos who took their Fourth Degrees on March 24th in an online Zoom Exemplification ceremony. State Program Chairman Mike Gibson and your worthy Grand Knight were in attendance to cheer them on. Congratulations Sir Knight Rich Pulice and Sir Knight Deacon Elcio. - State Convention.
The state convention is April 24th, and State Program Chairman Mike Gibson and your worthy Grand Knight are planning to be in attendance. This will also be a Zoom event. - Nomination Committee.
We received no volunteers to serve on the nominating committee, so I will solicit volunteers at tonight’s meeting. This is a very low impact job, no heavy lifting, and only takes a week. - Men’s Retreat.
Fr. Przemek’s Men’s retreat on March 20th was a success with about a dozen men participating, including four Knights. - We are still in business!
We still have new member exemplifications going on by Zoom. They are taking place pretty near every week or two hosted by Councils all over the state. It’s easy to get into, and no long drives. If you know of any likely new members, let me know and we can get him enrolled.
Programs and Upcoming Events
- McSweeney Assembly Meeting
Th April McSweeney Assembly #400 Meeting will be Thursday, April 15th at 7:00 PM by Zoom.
Meeting ID: 822 0129 8989
Passcode: 400
Call in: 1-929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 822 0129 8989
Passcode: 400 - Upcoming Events.
Admittedly, there is little to report here due to the continuing pandemic shutdown. Nevertheless, we have provided some benefit to our community disseminating 3 dozen coats for kids, and we are making plans and progress on a Free Throw Competition, and some support to the Mass State Special Olympics Polar Plunge event. With the vaccine getting around, I am optimistic in another two months we should be able to resume live meetings and resume our programs and events with the zeal we all have stifled inside. Pray for the end of this pandemic so we can get back to work!
Other Meeting Agenda Items
- Prayers / Intentions.
Please continue to remember Steve Thomas, our displaced Florida brother, battling throat cancer. Chris Lundberg who is having a tough time. And Andy Tivnan who remains isolated on the heart transplant waiting list. Deceased Knight Cliff Avey’s sister, Carole Avey, is in the hospital at UMass in Worcester.
- Other business? If you have an item to add to the agenda, please let me know.
- News? If you have any news to report, email
See you all tonight on Zoom.
Vivat Jesus.
Mike Tremblay, Grand Knight