Grand Knight’s Blog – December 2020
Grand Knight’s Blog – December, 2020
Next Meeting
Date: Tuesday, December 8, 2020
Time: 7:30 p.m.
Place: Zoom Video Conference
Log in with this link:
Or dial in: 312 626 6799
Meeting ID: 894 9747 5792
Passcode: kc81
For security purposes, Zoom now requires either a passcode or a waiting room with administrator admission. The waiting room is a pain, so I’m trying the passcode from now on. The passcode is kc81
Activities Since Last Meeting
- Blessed Michael McGivney Pray for us!
Our founder, Fr. Michael McGivney, was beatified on October 31st in Hartford, CT. In case you missed it, you can view the complete service here - McSweeney Assembly Memorial Mass.
The McSweeney Assembly #400 held its annual Memorial Mass to honor departed Knights on November 19th at St. Luke’s in Westborouh. - Springfield Culture of Life Mass.
The Springfield Diocese held a Culture of Life Mass on Sunday, November 15th at the Cathedral of St. Michael the Archangel in Springfield - Home of Divine Mercy Vocational Training Institute.
We transmitted our donation of $5,000 to Uganda.
Programs and Upcoming Events
- Poster Contest
The “Keeping Christ in Christmas” Poster contest wrapped up at St. Michael’s. Congratulations to the following Winners!
Gr 2: Ava Hermann
Gr 3: Brent Parent
Gr 4: Felicia Flateau
Gr 4: Caitlin Mead
The winners got prizes from St. Michael’s and Council #81 including a set of KofC rosary beads with a leather zipper case, and the best overall winner also got a KofC Christmas Tree Ornament. Thanks to Mike Wells for interfacing with this event. - Coats for Kids
We have 3 dozen coats sitting in the Grand Knight’s Jeep ready to be transferred to the Community Cupboard for distribution to needy children in Marlborough. Thanks to GK Russ Lindquist in Northborough for helping haul our coats back from the distribution point, and Dale Dolesh who is taking the lead on distributing the coats at the Community Cupboard on Rawlins Ave. - Membership Dues
It’s that time of year again. Membership dues are due. You can send a check for $30 to our Financial Secretary Mike Wells; or go to the Member’s Page on our website and you can pay online with a credit or debit card. - McSweeney Assembly #400
The next meeting is Dec 17th at 7:00 p.m.
Meeting ID: 897 3167 4594
Passcode: 400
Other News and Agenda Items
- Congratulations
to Mike Gibson who started a new job this week. - Prayers and intentions. Please keep in your prayers this month:Our brother Steve Thomas who moved to Florida two years ago and joined a Council down there has been diagnosed with throat cancer. He is still awaiting a biopsy to learn what stage he is in and what his treatment options are. Please remember Steve and his wife Ann in your prayers for a favorable outcome.Robin Gibson’s family in Pittsburgh, PA lost a 2-year old boy named Luca which devastated the family. Please remember Luca and Robin’s family in your prayers.PGK Rafael Johnson and his wife Rose are recovering from Covid19 at home. Their son Trevor avoided it, but Rose’s mother Lucille Monti and her personal care attendant got it.
- Other business?
If you have an item to add to the agenda, please let me know.
If you have any news to report, email
Vivat Jesus.
Mike Tremblay, GK