The Big Weekend has Arrived!
Good morning brother Knights
Several months ago when Fr. Marc announced his transfer, I immediately coordinated with Kathy for the Mass on the 27th and scheduling of the Honor Guard and Council members’ procession. Well we are only 5 days out until this event believe it or not, so below is a reminder of what we are doing, how, and when.
First, a big thank you again to Mike Tremblay whose website set-up made it possible for the sign-up sheets to be available, and easily accessible. Please see the website for the various sign-up sheets for table/chairs set-up for the picnic, the picnic itself, and also for the return of tables/chairs after the event.
-Mass is at 11:00am Sunday
-I will be there with the Honor Guard by 10:30am +/-
-Mike Tremblay will unlock the Reconciliation Room for the Honor Guard to store regalia/paraphenalia. (By the elevator).
-Council Members: please arrive by 10:30am, or shortly thereafter (parking will be tight, as many will attend this Mass- arrive early)
-Attire: Suit, tie, badge, jewel. IF YOU HAVE THE NEW 4TH DEGREE UNIFORM, WEAR IT!
-We will meet/assemble in the front area inside the church where the restrooms are located, lined up on both sides
-The Honor Guard will lead the procession, followed by Council Members, Cross-Bearer, Lectors, Altar Servers, Clergy, and Fr. Marc
-The FRONT LEFT pew(s) will be reserved for the Council Members (I will have reserved signs for the front pews)
-The BACK pew(s) will be reserved for the Honor Guard, as that is proper protocol for the HG to sit in the rear of the church
-Gift Bearers: Mike T: That morning, since you are the Head Usher, could you please arrange for the Grand Knight and Deputy Grand Knight to bring up the Gifts? We can also have 2 Honor Guard members escort the Gift Bearers to the front. I think to would be a nice touch to have the GK and DGK to present the gifts (if Fr. Marc approves).
-When Mass is over, the HG will proceed up the the front and will stop just prior to the first few pews….Immediately when the HG turns around and processes out, the FRONT pew council members, please immediately follow the HG, two-by-two, and we will process out to the front steps (weather permitting) and all line up on both sides left/right
I know that some of us need to be at the picnic immediately after Mass to assist. Those that need to go can go directly over to their picnic stations. I will be over there as soon as I put away my regalia.
There are sign-up sheets on the website for moving tables and chairs on Saturday between 9-11, setting up tables and chairs on Sunday 9-11, and then of course the Picnic itself. A Huge Thank You to all that will be able to participate this weekend (if available). Fr. Marc’s departure is a big loss for the parish, but, the Good Lord has a reason for his transfer, and we should keep him, and incoming Fr. Steve (who is a Knight by the way) in our prayers. Members of our Assembly know Fr. Steve very well from their previous parishes, and they say we are also receiving a wonderful and gifted priest in Fr. Steve.
Lastly, let me also take the time to remind all about Monday’s Memorial Day Parade. Meet at the American Legion Hall (Maple St) @ 9:30am. Thank You to Steve Thomas for organizing and setting this event up. -Steve will send an update if the weather does not cooperate, but as of now it looks to be okay. If you can march with us, sign up here so we will know you are coming.
(One last thing…..Reminder….Please make sure you remove from your e-mail distribution lists, Fr. Marc’s email address. I believe Dale already removed it from the Google Council E-Mail account…Thank you).
Mike Gibson
District Deputy